The SEXtember Playlist

WHAT better way to get into the groove of Sextember than with your very own Sextember Playlist? Juliana Mare and Amanda Yap tell you how to say ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘I don’t think so’ – all through song. You may be surprised at what made it on the list.

Turn on the radio and chances are there’ll be a song on the airwaves about sex – or at least alluding to sex. No, Rihanna was not just singing about a regular “Birthday Cake”. And 50 Cent did not mean your local lolly store when he rapped about that “Candy Shop”.

So, in honour of Sextember, we came up with a fun list of 12 songs about the “dirty deed”. But the messages on this playlist are simple – if you’re not ready for sex, there’s nothing wrong with saying no or choosing to wait. And if you do choose to engage in the act, well, always be smart and use protection.

To put you guys in the mood, we’re kicking off with a little Salt N Pepa – let’s talk about sex!

Let’s Talk About Sex – Salt ‘n Pepa

It’s the (un)official song of Sextember. And one we can all get some tips from. Don’t “decoy, avoid or make void” the topic, instead be open about it and get the good and the bad facts about sex.

Let’s talk about sex, baby, Let’s talk about you and me, Let’s talk about all the good things, And the bad things that may be, Let’s talk about sex”

Sex on Fire – Kings of Leon

It may sound good the first time you hear it but think about it – sex on fire? We reckon it actually sounds like a highly uncomfortable and very unpleasant burning STI.

You, your sex is on fire, Consumed with what’s to transpire”

U + Ur Hand – Pink

If you have absolutely no desire to have sex, this is the perfect ‘I’m not interested’ song. Pink sums it up perfectly and puts it rather bluntly – “you and your hand” – something that does not require a partner.

Keep your drink just give me the money, It’s just you and your hand tonight”

LoveGame – Lady Gaga

Despite the not-very-subtle reference to a guy’s “disco stick”, we like that Gaga at least knows the importance of sex ed. So you may be interested and you may want it bad, but you should also know what you’re doing.

You’ve indicated your interest, I’m educated in sex, yes, And now I want it bad”

Paradise by the Dashboard Light – Meatloaf

It may seem a little old-fashioned these days but the lyrical banter between Meatloaf and Ellen Foley tells us there’s nothing wrong with waiting until you’re engaged before going all the way with someone.

” Stop right there, I gotta know right now, Before we go any further […], Do you love me[…], Will you take me away, And will you make me your wife”

Let’s Wait Awhile – Janet Jackson

It doesn’t matter if you want to take it slow or get to know your partner better, take some advice from Janet and wait awhile longer until you know you’re ready. Plus, she says it will be worth the wait in the end.

When we get to know each other, And we’re both feeling much stronger, Then let’s try to talk it over, Let’s wait awhile longer “

M2M – Don’t Say You Love Me

Pokémon lovers may remember this as the soundtrack to the first Pokemon movie over a decade ago.But we’re at a loss as to why this song was even picked to be in that movie in the first place. The lyrics pretty much sum up the feelings of a girl who clearly feels uncomfortable and pressured into engaging in acts of physical intimacy by the guy she’s dating.

If you really want me , Then give me some time, Don’t go there baby, Not before I’m ready, Don’t say your heart’s in a hurry, It’s not like we’re gonna get married, Give me, give me some time”

Beyoncé Knowles – Yes

Mrs Jay-Z seems to be singing from personal experience in this soulful tune about initially saying “yes” to dating a guy, but showing him to the door when he tries to push her into doing something more.

It’s cool if you can’t wait for me, I’m glad you let me know, Cos’ you showed me your true face baby , The first time I said no”

Jermaine Stewart – We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off

Did you think Gym Class Heroes’ 2007 hit “Clothes Off!” was an original tune? It was actually an antithesis to Jermaine Stewart’s 1986 funky Billboard hit!

We don’t have to take our clothes off,  To have a good time.”

Julia Stone – Catastrophe

Now, this song could arguably be about life in general, since it doesn’t explicitly mention sex is involved. But its simple chorus made it worth a mention:

And we wait for something beautiful”

Spice Girls – 2 Become 1

Yes, fellow 90s kids (and older), we’re pretty sure we are all guilty of singing along as children to this classic by the Spice Girls – without knowing what any of the suggestive lyrics meant.

Now that you’re old enough to understand it though, you should really heed Baby Spice’s advice:

Be a little wiser baby…put it on, put it on”

Lil Wayne feat. Kanye West – Lollipop (remix)

The lyrics of Lil Wayne’s 2008 Grammy-Award winning single “Lollipop” can make for an interesting debate (personally, we applaud his recent decision to pursue skateboarding). Regardless of which side you’re on though, Lil Wayne  happens to include the following message in the remixed version of this song with Kanye West:

Safe sex is great sex, Better wear a latex, cos you don’t want that late text, that ‘I think I’m late’ text”

Liked this playlist? Have any songs you think should be on it? Let us know below!

*This article is part of Meld’s Sextember campaign. Find out more about the initiative and how you can contribute here.

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