ALONE in Melbourne this Christmas, or just simply in need of stuff to fill up your calendar after Christmas Day? Don’t fret – Diane Leow brings you a mini-guide to events around town during this holiday season.
The Gertrude Players’ Big Sing
Saturday, December 22 – The Napier Hotel
So you might be wondering what on earth a “Big Sing” is. Well, it’s just that – a big group of people singing their lungs out! The Gertrude Players are a charity that’s been around since 2001, and provide a wonderfully different alternative to Carols by Candlelight. Songbooks are dusted and distributed, and a large group of over 200 people wander around Fitzroy belting favourites like Silent Night, The Twelve Days of Christmas, and other cult classics at the top of their voices. Simply rock up at the Napier Hotel in Fitzroy before 6pm on the day, and you can expect to finish at about 8pm on the steps of Fitzroy Town Hall. Check out the above YouTube clip of 2009’s Big Sing!
Chadstone 34-hour Trade
Until 6pm, December 24
Still racking your brains over that last-minute Christmas gift, or want to get out of the house right before Christmas celebrations start? Chadstone’s extended trading hours means you can rock up in your jammies at three in the morning on Christmas Eve and not be turned away. Doors are open from 8am on Sunday the 23rd right through to 6pm on Christmas Eve.
Orphans Christmas Picnic
Tuesday, December 25 – Federation Square
Don’t have anywhere to go this Christmas? Join your fellow “Christmas Orphans” for a picnic at The Pines in Federation Square. Also present will be The Hearts in Harmony community choir, serenading the crowd as they gather for lunch. The Muppet Christmas Carol will also be screened, plus deck chairs are provided! Feel free to bring your own blanket though. Pack a good lunch and don’t stay alone at home this Christmas. This event is absolutely free, and starts from noon on Christmas Day. For more information, check out Federation Square’s Christmas lineup here.
Boxing Day Shopping
Traditionally, boxing day is for eating leftovers and recovering from Christmas festivities… But here in Australia, it is also the day of amazing discounts! Some stores like Myer open their doors early 5am (in Melbourne City and Chadstone), while other shops open at normal times with crazily discounted goods. It is a great time to stock up your wardrobe for the new year!
Boxing Day at the Espy
Wednesday, December 26 – The Esplanade Hotel
Not into the whole shopping thing? Why not enjoy free entry to the Espy at St Kilda and catch a few gigs? Catch Royston Vasie, Kingswood, Howlin’ Steam Train, Tijuana Cartel and The Vasco Era (check out the video above). Free music is always a great way to end the festive season… until New Year’s, of course.
What are you doing this holiday season? Feel free to share your Christmas plans with us below. Meld Magazine wishes you Happy Holidays!