FTW: Tickets to Transitions Film Festival

THE upcoming Transitions Film Festival might just change the way you think about the world you live in, for good. Gayertree Subramanium explains why.

Transitions Film Festival Melbourne 2013

It can be disheartening when all you see and hear is the doom and gloom views presented by the media when it comes to climate change, but this month, a film festival is hoping to give a fresh take on the much talked-about issue.

The Transitions Film Festival is Australia’s largest solutions-focused sustainability film festival, and is a visionary program dedicated to showcasing powerful, inspiring and ground-breaking films from around the world.

Covering a wide range of key themes that include social entrepreneurship, energy politics, climate change, social justice and technological innovation, the festival hopes to inspire the transition to a sustainable world.

Featuring an outstanding line-up of films that comprise of six national premieres, 15 feature films and documentaries and over two dozen short films, be prepared to be blown away by the high quality and positive message-laden nature of the films.

Be sure not to miss out on Matt Damon and Gus Van Sant’s acclaimed feature narrative Promised Land, the Sundance Institute’s A Fierce Green Fire and the highly anticipated Chasing Ice.

Matt Damon in Promised Land.

Matt Damon in Promised Land.

Timothy Parish, Director of the Transitions Film Festival says “the visionary thinking shared through these stories help us to gain a much greater perspective of the age of transformation we are living through.”

He also believes the global shifts we are experiencing in energy, technology and economics are not things to be feared, but can be catalysts for a larger transition to a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

For Daniel Simons, Co-Director of Transitions, the power of films to inspire lie at the heart of the festival’s endeavours. He says the exploration of problems in documentaries time and time again are just not as motivating as promoting the solutions.

This year promises a bigger set of viscerally engaging films, alongside an equally exceptional line up of  international filmmakers, experts and leaders in the areas of sustainability and social innovation.

Jan Owen, CEO of Young Australians, Bob Brown, former leader of the Australian Greens, and Shanaka Fernando, Founder of Lentils as Anything are among the panelists who will be sharing their insights, stories, inspirational and expert views on building a sustainable and just world, through discussions and special introductions.

Better yet, as part of the Sustainable Living Festival’s Big Weekend, the festival will continue with free screenings of a wide range of Australian film premieres and special events.  In keeping with the sustainability theme of the festival, ride your bike to screenings and score cyclist concession prices on tickets!

The Transitions Film Festival will run from the February 15 to 23 at Federation SquareACMI and Cinema Nova.

Meld is giving away one double pass to the the closing night film Elemental showing on Saturday February 23, 3pm at Cinema Nova! To win, simply share with us in the comments section below, how you think you can do your part in making a difference to the problem of climate change. 

Remember to provide your real name and email address so we can get in touch with you. The competition closes Tuesday February 19 and is only open to readers in Victoria. The winner will be picked in a random draw and notified via email.


There are 15 comments

  1. Judy

    I think the best way is by teaching my children the importance of conserving the environment, and making sure they care for their environment from even a very young age.

  2. Jay

    Yikes, didn’t realize how serious the comments were meant to be :P.

    For me, the best way to conserve the environment is to promote Collaborative Consumption business models – essentially the sharing of our everyday resources such as cars, food, etc…

    Some amazing examples currently in Australia are : http://www.rideeco.com.au/
    and meemeep.com

  3. Ruth

    by simply eating and consuming locally & naturally grown food and resources, we can reduce unnecessary carbon emission by limiting the transportation of goods…

  4. Ng

    Practice the 3R’s! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

    Reduce the usage of air con and other electronics that causes carbon emission

    Reuse recycle paper for writing

    Recycle bottles, cans, papers, and cardboard

  5. Mark Walker

    I believe that in my efforts to petition the government to invest in a high speed rail link between Melbourne and Sydney; that I am concurrently seeking to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and pollutants.

  6. Amanda Lanigan

    I’m just trying to convince my generation that it doesn’t matter whether you “believe” climate change is occurring or not, that’s just a cop out, the only thing that matters is making a change, because what we’re doing to the environment IS having an impact, and its up to us whether its a negative or positive one.

  7. Claire

    I cycle or use public transports, no car.

    I lived for over two years in Vietnam and almost never used air con. I used to hang wet towels by the window instead and I still do it in Australia during the few hot days of summer in Melbourne.

    I wish it would make a difference to the problem of climate change. But it doesn’t really. Not because individuals can’t make a difference but because there are too many individuals who think they can’t. So let’s keep it up, we have many people to convince.

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