IT’S that time of the year again, when we dive under the covers and shine a light on the topic that most of us find rather embarrassing to talk about. Yes, sex. Find out why, and how you too can (discreetly) get involved this September SEXtember.
Beyond the promise of a good education, the overseas student experience (read: unprecedented freedom from parental supervision) is a formative season of exercising our independence as young adults, and for better or for worse, of learning to make choices for our lives.
And we can’t talk about the overseas student experience without broaching the topic of sex. Just because we find it hard to talk about doesn’t mean students aren’t having it.
For some, being immersed in a culture that’s more accepting towards sex before marriage has encouraged students to become sexually active. Others use sex as a tool to find friends, connect with society and validate themselves in a foreign country. (See our story about international students’ changing attitudes about sex.)
Other times, it’s just the hormones. An innocent stayover led to more than you ever intended. What now?
Was the sex education you received at school sufficient to teach you about safe sex? How do you tell your partner you want to use a condom?
How has film and pornography influenced your development of sexuality and sexual knowledge?
Are you thinking of “coming out”? How can the overseas experience help you explore your sexuality? What safe sex practices do you need to know?
And the cultural stuff. Should purity be linked to sex? How do you manage feelings of guilt and shame when you’ve crossed the boundary you’ve set for yourself?
In partnership with Red Aware, we hope we can open up a safe space for our readers to seek information, ask questions like this, discuss issues and consider different perspectives towards sex.
And so, for September only, you won’t have to enter an email address when leaving comments on any of our articles.
For those who want to send in your experiences or ask a question – but want to remain anonymous – here’s how:
Remember, it’s all about being safe to share. If you just want to send us emails the normal way, we will be sure to respect your privacy.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Wondering what we talked about during SEXtember last year? Catch up here.
SEXtember is brought to you by Meld Magazine and Red Aware.