AFIS’ Amazing Race 2.0: Gather a team and race to the finish!

RACE around Melbourne and feel more at home with the city as you and a team of four compete in AFIS’ Amazing Race 2.0. Antonina Mtanu has all the details. 


Join in the fun and race to the finish in the second Amazing Race, hosted by the Australian Federation of International Students’ (AFIS) on July 25.

Local and international students are encouraged to register for the race as it has been designed to help students from overseas feel more at home in the city by giving them a chance to mingle with local students and explore iconic Melbourne locations in a fun and competitive environment.

Functioning in similar fashion to the hugely popular television series of the same name, AFIS’ Amazing Race 2.0 will see teams of four start the race at Federation Square.

From there they move on to various locations around town where they will need to decipher clues and overcome physical challenges in order to progress to the next stage.

A fun way for domestic and international students to enjoy a day out, make friends and see Melbourne in a different light, this event promises to get the blood pumping and students working together.

Registration is only $3 per person but hurry as regisration closes on July, 19 2015. To register, sign up over at AFIS Amazing Race 2.0’s registration form.

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