Living on the EDGE: Yubo Zhai

WHAT would you do with a million bucks? What if you only had five? Meet the leaders who made the cut to be part of the City of Melbourne’s EDGE leadership program and find out how they would respond. Today, we begin with 23-year-old Yubo Zhai from China.

What’s your name, and how old are you?

My name is Yubo Zhai and I am 23-years-old.


Where are you from? Where and what course or program are you doing?

I came from China and I have just finished my honours degree majoring in Actuarial Studies from the University of Melbourne.


How long have you been in Melbourne for and why did you choose to come to Melbourne? Did you come alone or with family?

I have been living in Melbourne for six years now. I came here with my dad who was doing a PHD degree back then.


What are expecting to get from the the EDGE program?

The skills to be a great leader…and to learn from others. In other words, fishing is more important than the fish.


What does leadership mean to you?

For me leadership means the ability to gather the people around you and work as a team for a specific goal, in which the leader has to monitor and motivate in order to achieve the expected result.


What or who do you draw inspiration from, and why?

I draw inspiration from nature. To see how nature keeps its balance really amazes me and I have learnt that one has to be patient and prepared in order to shine.


What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love reading novels. It makes me feel relaxed and helps me to have a creative mind.


What are your other talents/hobbies outside the classroom?

I love playing the piano and cast a few lines for fish when I have the time.


Where is your favourite spot to hang out in Melbourne?

My favourite place is a small reserve park in Mount Waverley. There is a small hill you can stand on and the view is enjoyable.


What song gets you pumped or excited? Think Eye of the Tiger or Destiny’s Child’s “Survivor” or any Bon Jovi track.

It is a Chinese song called “jue jiang”.


If I had a million dollars I would…. have invested in natural resources years ago.


If I only had $5 I would…. find other people who are in the same situation like me and start a little business of our own. If I was really starving I would just buy some food and have a great meal!

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