Meld news meetings

Public join guest share ideas brainstorm

For those of you who remember, we made an announcement earlier this year about opening up Meld’s newsroom – inviting readers to get involved not only by reading, but by helping stories to build.

This week, we held our first ever public news meeting, which will become a regular feature every second and fourth Monday each month from 6.30-7.30pm in the basement cafeteria at 488 Swanston St, Carlton, where the Meld office is based.

For starters, we have asked our team of reporters, photographers, videographers to bring their friends as we discuss story ideas from news to lifestyle and entertainment.

But anyone and everyone interested in the international student space is welcome to join us. Take part in our discussions, offer up your ideas, and let us know about sources people we could/should interview for our stories. If you feel you have a noteworthy story to tell, do come along and share with us too.

If you’d like to try your hand at writing a story or two, our editors would be most delighted.

Want to know when the next meeting is coming up? Stay in touch via Facebook or subscribe to our mailing list.

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