TOP picks this weekend include the Melbourne International Jazz Festival, the quest to find Mrs/Ms India, Napolean at the NGV, and Graveyard Train at The Hi-Fi.
The Good Food and Wine Show
1-3 June, Melbourne Conference and Exhibition Centre
If, like me, you came to Australia and immediately got addicted to trashy Australian TV then you’ll already be aware of the ample opportunities to be in the same room as French Celebrity Chef Manu Feildel at the MCEC this weekend. Besides main attraction Manu (okay, maybe it’s just me who loves him), there will be hundreds of local food and wine producers exhibiting their wares so take your purse with you to buy some tasty treats. Tickets can be purchased in advance here.
Mrs/Ms India Quest
5-8:30pm, Saturday 2 June, Thornbury Theatre
Beauty pageants: you either love them or you hate them. While I’ll admit to occasionally enjoying an episode of Toddlers and Tiaras, ultimately the real thing scares me. But my tastes are often highly disputed, so if you’re desperate to make it to the crowning stage then jump on the 86 up to Thornbury for what promises to be a night of glamour and beauty at the Mrs/Ms India Quest. According to the organisers, the pageant has been created to celebrate the outstanding success a woman has achieved as a wife, mother, daughter, friend and community leader.
Napoleon: Revolution to Empire
2 June – 7 October, NGV International
This weekend sees the opening of the National Gallery of Victoria’s new winter exhibition that looks at the life of the French leader. Visitors will get to further their knowledge of the French Revolution by looking at art, culture and other artefacts from the time. The NGV is also running a whole array of talks and events to coincide with the exhibition so take a look at their website for more information.
Melbourne International Jazz Festival
1 – 10 June, Around Town
Ten days of smooth jazz kicks off this Friday with venues all over the city playing host to the finest International Jazz talent. For a real jazz club experience, head to Bennetts Lane Jazz Club for an authentic night of dingey jazz – the venue made headlines this week when Prince turned up to perform a surprise gig to a handful of fans so there’s got to be some charm to it. Murphy’s Law are the ones to watch on Saturday, and don’t miss a free lunchtime concert in Federation Square on Sunday. In addition to that, we’ve got a few more suggestions for you. To view the full festival program or to buy tickets, visit the Melbourne International Jazz Festival website.
Graveyard Train at The Hi-Fi
1-2 June, The Hi-Fi
So I didn’t include a local gig last week because I wanted to ensure absolutely everybody knew Annie the Musical was in town, but it’s back to promoting local music this week with a band who specialize in ghostly horror country music. Okay, it’s a niche, but we all came to the country in search of something new and different, right? Tickets are $25 plus The Hi-Fi is kind of cute. To book online click here.