MELD reporter Hadi Ismanto has committed to growing a moustache this Movember. But will the challenge of growing facial hair prove too great for this smooth-skinned Asian? Stay tuned for his daily updates to find out.

Hadi on Day 1 of Movember.
You may or may not haved noticed, but if you travel around Melbourne this time of the year, you’ll be able to see banners, signboards and even houses decorated with paintings or stickers of moustaches. Yes, moustaches – that tuft of hair above your lips that differentiates the Adams from the Eves.
Welcome to the month of November. Welcome to the hype of Movember.
Movember is basically an annual month-long charity event where men all over the world commit to growing and keeping a moustache throughout November to raise awareness about men’s health – particularly prostate cancer and male mental health.
The rules are simple: after registering yourself as a “mo bro” on their website, you have to begin November 1 with a clean-shaven face. Thereafter, you have to grow and groom a moustache. This means no beard or goatee is allowed. On top of that, carrying yourself like a true gentleman is a must.
As this is my last year in Melbourne, I, along with a group of friends, dared ourselves to embark on this quest. But there is a problem. Our race. Our genes. Our inabilities to grow beautiful, gorgeous manly facial-hair like our fellow Caucasians. And even when some of us do have that capability, most will look like that perverted old man that occasionally twists their long and ugly moustache to attract the younger girls on the street.
Nonetheless, we men still aspire to be like Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man or England’s pride, David Beckham with their oh-so-gloriously manly beards.
Thus, through this post, I, will keep myself updated with my mo progress until the end of the month. Feel free to tune in and I would like your opinion too on whether I suit the look or I just look like another perverted old man! Keep it positive and go easy on me, I am an Asian Chinese after all!
Day 6 (Yes..I skipped a few days ahead)

Day 6…It appears to be working!
Day 7

Day 7…If you noticed, I am cheating by growing a beard. Bear with me.
Day 8

Day 8.
Day 9

Day 9…Starting to feel like that old perverted uncle.
Day 10

Day 10…Gonna shave the beard tomorrow morning.
Day 11

Day 11…Starting to feel as if there is a scotch tape above my lips.
Day 12

Day 12…Has it been maxed out already?
Day 13

Day 13…The mo is in the office ‘yo.
Day 14

Day 14…Feel da whiskers.
Day 15

Day 15…Will a haircut make me look less like a perverted old man?
Day 16

Day 16…People have finally started to notice what I’m doing!
Day 17

Day 17.
Day 18

Day 18…It has gotten really messy!
Day 19

Day 19…It’s so bushyyy…
Day 20

Day 20…Can feel the wind in my mo.
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23

Day 23…one more week to go!
Day 24

Day 24.
Day 25

Day 25…More and more people have been complaining about my “age”.
Day 26

Day 26…received another mo complaint today.
Day 27

Day 27…I miss my clean shaven face!
Day 28

Day 28…3 more days to go!
Day 29

Day 29…Last day tomorrow!
Day 30 – THE END!!!

Day 30…Last Mo Day!
Well it’s been an up and down experience but I’ve finally made it to Mo’ Town!
So what’s the last 30 days been like?
Well, for me, the first half of the journey was spent on the highway. I loved the scruffy look and some people even commented I looked Japanese! Who? What? Me? But I took that as a compliment, so no complaints there.
But things started to go rough – literally rough – after the two week-milestone. Some said I looked old, which I believed. But some other comments were more harsh. Their choice of words included “ugly” and “pervert”. Ok, I won’t lie, mostly ugly. Thankfully, my super sweet girlfriend has always supported my mo growing journey and honestly (I hope) thought it wasn’t that bad.
That was the emotional aspect. Physically? When the mo got thick and rough, I,too, got annoyed especially when the wind began to blow. Or every time I took a breath. Just like a palm tree on a beach, the mo swayed and vibrated. When I walked, I developed a tendency of rubbing my mo the way old American Gangsters do.
But, overall, I am thankful I had the courage to embark on this journey. And I am thankful for the five (pretty sad) people who were kind enough to make some donations – this includes my mom. Thanks mom. Eventhough you said my mo is “seriously ugly”, you still made a donation to support this cause, so I forgive you.
Signing off on day 30, and looking forward to skin as smooth as a baby’s tomorrow.