The Weekender: January 4 – 6

Had a big New years and still recovering? Perhaps you need to find some inner piece at the Meditate in Melbourne event. If not, Elizabeth Yick has some activities for you to dance, watch and eat your way in 2013. 


Meditate in Melbourne
January 4, 7-9pm, Federation Square (the main square)

It is the New Year! And what better way to start off 2013 than with some inner peace and lasting happiness? At Federation Square this Friday, internationally renowned Buddhist nun and spiritual teacher Gen-la Keisang Dekyong will be holding a public meditation in the main square. She will first be explaining the way to personal fulfilment in day-to-day life, before leading the public in a meditation so that they may experience this connection to inner peace and the happiness within. Entry to the event is free, no bookings necessary, but do BYO cushion. More information on the event and also on Gen-la can be found here.

Traditional Chinese Dance. Photo Credit: City of Melbourne.

Free Outdoor Chinese Dance Classes
Every Saturday until March 30, 10.30-11.30am, Chinese Museum (22 Cohen Place), Melbourne

In a bid to encourage Melbournians to experience the vibrant Chinese culture, the City of Melbourne, in conjunction with the Chinese Museum, is offering a series of Chinese dance classes on Saturdays at Cohen Place (outside the main entrance to the museum). The classes are directed by the Sabrina Dance Troupe, and are free and tailored to suit participants of all ages. Routines are separate for each class, so there is flexibility to join anytime. The event is free and no booking is necessary. For more information, visit the Chinese Museum website here.

Queen Vic Market in the Summer. Photo credit: Walking Melbourne.

Summer at the Market
Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday until January 27, 10am-2pm, Queen Victoria Market, Melbourne

Enjoy the Australian summer this year at the Queen Victoria Market, with the best Melbournian buskers, circus acts, and street performers lining up on Queen Street to provide live entertainment not to be missed. Then, be amazed by chalk artists and musicians as you amble down String Bean Alley for some shopping. Then of course, don’t forget to explore the various little eateries littered throughout the market!


Federation Square Outdoor Cinema
January 6, 2-4.30pm, Federation Square (at the big screen)

To cap off the weekend, enjoy a lazy summer afternoon at Federation Square this Sunday with the screening of family film Horton Hears a Who. BYO deckchair, picnic rug or cushion, and perhaps a little picnic or some popcorn too! This is a free showing at Melbourne’s biggest public screen, and no bookings will be necessary. For access information and such, click here.

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