Everything you need to know about new changes to 457 temporary visa application

The Turnbull Government has announced a restructured migration policy that scraps the 457 temporary visa program for skilled migrants.

The axing of the controversial program allowing skilled migrants with a pathway to work in Australia does not impact the more than 95,000 current visa holders in the country.

Instead, the changes coincide with the introduction of two new temporary skills visas – a two year visa (with no path to permanent residency) and a specialised four year visa to target, specialised skills with a narrow occupation list.

So how will this affect international students and fresh graduates looking for a job in Australia?

For migrants applying for a skills visa, the criteria will now include:

  • Tighter restrictions around previous work experience
  • New standards for English language proficiency
  • Criminal background checks
  • Mandatory labour market testing for those applying for a four-year visa

The two-year visa will cost $1,150 while the four-year visa will cost $2,400, and can be applied in or outside of Australia.

Additionally, more than 200 occupations will be slashed as part of the incoming changes, limiting the number of jobs foreign workers can apply for.

Speaking on Facebook, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the move was part of a push to put Australians first.

“Now, these new visas will ensure that Australian businesses have access to the workers from overseas they need to fill real skill gaps, but not otherwise, and that Australians, wherever possible, where jobs are – vacancies are there, where opportunities are there, Australians will be able to fill them”, he said.

The move to reject more temporary visa applicants will decrease the number of skilled migrants in Australia over time.

“Because we are narrowing significantly the number of occupations and we are increasing the qualifications that visa applicants need to have, it is our expectation that all other things being equal you will see a material reduction over time of people working on these temporary visas,” he said, speaking to the Australian Financial Review.

There is one comment

  1. Qurat ul ain shafqat

    I want to know that me and my husband are working on 457 visa as g.p and after clearing our specialty exam we can only apply for p.r
    So this new rule apply to drs also for whom already getting into pr is really tough not like other professionals
    We also need to wait for 4yrs after pr or th this rule will apply to new 457 visa holders only

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