Icehouse: the centre features two Olympic-sized ice skating rinks, stadium seating for 1000 people, a gym, cafe and bar.
THE prospect of finding your first internship can be extremely daunting.
Ideally, that job would be something that opens the door to wider employment opportunities, acts to kick-start your career path, provides invaluable real-world experiences through tangible responsibilities, as well as catering at the same time to your development of professionally translatable skills… oh, and hopefully it would be fun and enjoyable.
Sounds stressful, doesn’t it?
Fortunately, for motivated individuals aged between 15 and 25, Medibank Icehouse is offering a professional development opportunity through its newly created Promoters Program.
For those who are not in the know, Medibank Icehouse is a $58 million ice-skating complex located in the Docklands. Aside from offering seven-days-a-week recreational ice-skating, it is also the official home of the Olympic Winter Institute of Australia. With two Olympic-sized ice rinks (complete with a 1,000-seat stadium), Medibank Icehouse is also a development and training centre for both professional and aspiring winter sports athletes. The facility has its own special gym, ice hockey school, coaching for all forms of ice-skating, as well as a retail store, a bar, a café, and function rooms.
The Promoters Program is especially suited but not exclusive to students in marketing, communications, hospitality, tourism, and event management.
Developed in conjunction with many of Australia’s most recognized sports and entertainment companies – including Mount Buller, the Western Bulldogs, Fox F.M. Radio, as well as the Olympic Winter Institute of Australia – the Promoters Program aims to raise Medibank Icehouse’s profile, and draw more people to use the venue.
Participants in the program will be introduced to key industry professionals, who will share insider tips and advice at a series of private career development sessions. Other perks include the chance to ice-skate for free, as well as invitations to some exclusive parties.
The participant who shines through above the rest as “The Ultimate Promoter” will be offered an on-going paid position, and the chance to head up their own program; working with professional agencies to further develop his/her marketing communication skills, and gain invaluable employment skills in financial budget management, client liaisons, as well as large-scale networking and event organisation.
General Manager of Medibank Icehouse Darren Walls said the program would provide invaluable experience for students.
“It may even open the door to your dream career,” Mr Walls said.
A Promoter Program information and registration night will be held at Medibank Icehouse (105 Pearl River Rd, Docklands) on Wednesday July 6 from 6pm. Attendees will receive further details on the program, complimentary food and drink, and a night of free ice skating. Visit www.facebook.com/melbourne.icehouse for more information.