MUOSS – Festival of Nations 2011: ‘Discover the Beauty of Our Nations’

Festival of Nations 2011 promises to accentuate Melbourne’s status quo as a melting pot of diverse cultures. Within two days, a merging of different nationalities, cultures and ethnicities will take place under one roof. Come join us for a sensational, unforgettable experience!

The Feast
Heighten your senses with a vast array of gastronomical delights on offer. The multicultural spread will surely induce you to unleash your inner gourmand.

The Creative Arts
Let yourself be awed by the vibrant colours as well as sensational sights and sounds of the string of performances we have in store for you throughout the day. Featuring musicians, dancers and performers of all backgrounds eager to display their talents, be prepared for an eye-opener that will entertain and mesmerize.

The Crafts
From traditional to modern, Festival of Nations brings you a variety of crafts originating from many different countries.

Festival of Nations 2011 ‘Discover the Beauty of Our Nations’
12 PM – 3 PM, 31 August – 1 September 2011
North Court

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